Please read the entirety of this FAQ before reaching out with questions. If you do not, your email has a high chance of being ignored.
What is this?
The Adult Artists Webring is a directory listing artists creating erotic work. This serves as a way for artists to connect with each other and for interested fans to find new creators they may like. All artists included have applied and were manually approved after being briefly reviewed.
Who can apply?
- You must be over 18 years of age. Absolutely no exceptions.
- Your art is primarily erotic, pornographic, or adult oriented.
- Your creations should be prominently featured on your website, whether it’s art, writing, etc. People shouldn’t have to dig through your linked social media to find your work.
- There is no promotion of bigotry in your work- homophobic, racist, or otherwise.
- ‘Artist’, for the purposes of this webring, refers to anyone with a visual element to their work. This includes comic artists, illustrators, visual/illustrated novel creators, etc. If there’s any question as to if you qualify, please reach out.
- The webring widget or link will need to be added to your website. If you’re uncomfortable with adding a link to us or are unable to add custom code to your page, please do not apply.
- Your website must be relatively current- the idea is to have an alternative to social media promotion. Please update your website at least once a year.
This webring highly prioritizes the work of creators that are generally considered to be marginalized, as loaded as that term may be. If you are a white, cisgender man making work for straight audiences, it is unlikely that you need to be included in this database. While we all face similar challenges as adult artists, you do not face the same challenges that other creators do in regards to online and academic censorship. If you seriously feel that you do need to be included, please send an email.
Why is this needed? Didn’t webrings die in, like, the 90s?
Creators of adult art are frequently pushed off the very platforms that they made a destination with their work. A centralized, non-social-media focused database that connects our websites protects us from that happening again.
With the rise in interest in bringing make independent spaces on the internet, webrings have had a recent revival. If you’re unfamiliar with webrings, please check out IndieWebCamp’s entry, this archived article for more information, or skim through Neocities’s sites tagged webring.
Who runs this?
This webring is maintained by Nero in his spare time.
Is there a Discord? A forum?
Short answer: No.
Long-ish answer: Yesterweb, another webring, went through a period of rapid growth in 2021 and shut down in 2023. Their archived manifesto describes many of the things that the singular organizer behind this would like to avoid- community management, direction, etc. This is a database, and no social functions will be added outside of our occasional (once or twice yearly, at most) members-only newsletter.
How can I keep up with the goings-on of all these artists?! There’s too many!
Sign up for our public newsletter to get news from AAW artists directly in your inbox. Make sure to whitelist!
How do I get in contact with the webring admin?
The admin can be contacted at Please allow 7-10 business days for a response.
Last updated: October 7th, 2023